Saturday, November 10, 2007


During our CQC exercise, we saw our first camels. A herd appeared on the far berm which caused a temporary shut down of the range. Our instructor explained that Udairi was all open range and that indigenous camel and goat herders had right of passage here. We all gawked to see them; even far way they looked big.

In the late afternoon of the next day, our section boarded nine HUMVEEs and practiced maneuvering in a different part of the range. While stopped to review one of the convoy problems for tomorrow’s exercise we spotted another herd. We didn’t think much until all of a sudden, the camels were in our midsts. They are BIG. Compare them to our vehicles. Thankfully, none of them spit at us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

IED = Improvised Explosive Dromedary