Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Republican Palace

The new U.S. Embassy Complex (NEC) in Baghdad is complete and operational. As part of the transition, the U.S. will give the Republican Palace, formally known as the U.S. Embassy Annex, back to the Government of Iraq along with much of the International Zone. Since 2003, the palace was home to both Department of State and Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) personnel.

One would think this would be big news but so far only two English newspapers (1, 2) seem to be carrying the story.

During my deployment, I worked in the palace every day along side roughly a thousand other people. As I write this, my old office mates have moved out of the International Zone and over to the sprawling Victory Base Complex near Baghdad Inernational Airport (BIAP). Personally, I'm glad I missed the move. The palace was a great place to work and live near.

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